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Our main projects

Disability Awareness Programs

for kids


for adults

for companies

Disability Awareness Education Tools

Sponsored by LEGO


MyStory Light

Disability Awareness Board Game

Knowledge Transfer

3•6•12+Incubator project

AAC workshops

for therapists

AAC workshops

for parents

Psychological Support

for parents

of disabled kids

for siblings

of disabled kids

Bringing Everyone Together

Fairy Tale Mail

Picknick events


Our team

We are a team of nine – most of us are parents of kids with different abilities – experts with different backgrounds, but we definitely share the same passion of creating space for everyone.

Our story

Once upon a time we were dreaming of an idea: typical and atypical kids playing together at the playground.


So we have created inclusive playground equipment to get them together, happily joining in common play. That was the time of MagikMe in 2015.


However, we realised that we have to start creating magic inside minds and hearts in the first place to get kids (and grown-ups) playing together, regardless of their abilities. So we founded the Association for Inclusion in 2017, and we started to develop our disability awareness programs for pre-school and primary school children. Now we are visiting 100 communities (kindergartens, schools, high schools) per year, and creating the magic of inclusive ideas for more than 2.000 kids per year.

Our goal is to give every single kid the possibility to meet the concept of inclusion, in order to get their own experience with different areas of disability.

Our projects

We have several projects supported by the LEGO Foundation and LEGO LCE.

My Story Light, SixBricks – Building an Inclusive Community, Disability Awareness Board Game & 3•6•12+ Incubator are targeting different age groups, but with the same goal: bringing everyone closer to an inclusive society through play and through involvement.


Via trainings and workshops we are involving professionals (teachers, special education teachers, psychologists, social workers, etc.) who are working with kids on a daily basis, which has a double-effect: already these professionals have the mindset of inclusivity, so they can be a role-model for kids. These professionals are reaching more kids on an everyday basis. Through this model we are reaching more than 10.000 kids per year.

We also provide trainings for professionals working with children (teacher, pre-school, special needs education teacher. etc.), as well as for students in teacher training at universities. By doing this we believe that the circle is closed: providing disability awareness programs for children from pre-school, providing a wide range of activities with LEGO bricks  throughout the education system, and also providing attitude-shaping experience and knowledge for the young teachers in training will start – slowly but surely – a change in minds regarding disability, inclusivity and diversity.


We are providing support groups for siblings of disabled children, where with the magic created by fairy tales we are helping the children to better understand their emotions and feelings. With our support groups for parents with special needs children we are not only working on this special grieving process, but also helping these parents to find and utilise their mental and psychological resources.


We have a very special offer also for families: we have a Fairy Tale Mail. Developed by one of our colleague, who is a fairy tale-therapist and psychologist, and designed by a noted Hungarian designer, our fairy tale mail is arriving to families per post and the package is containing besides a fairy tale all kinds of accessories and instructions how to play together – the whole family regardless of age and abilities. 


We believe that methods of experiential pedagogy, learning through play, and democratic ways of teaching will bring the children closer to the idea of diversity beyond disability.


In case of any questions just drop us a message:


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